Why Should You Have a Pet First Aid Kit in Your Car?

It’s summer, and while you might not be taking traditional vacations this year, why not explore your city’s natural attractions? “Staycations” are trendy these days, so why not bring your dog along for the ride? It’s an opportunity to see parts of your city that you’ve heard about but never seen. So be ready to be a tourist in your own town, and don’t forget to bring provisions for Rover. If you haven’t already put together an outdoor first aid pack for your dog, now is a great opportunity to do so. It’s actually fairly simple with the correct tools, and you’ll be pleased you did. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
Consider the Activities You Will Participate In
Are you a city lady or guy who enjoys a stroll through the neighborhood art galleries? Alternatively, perhaps you prefer the local lake, river, or beach area. Maybe there are some biking routes near your house. Many states offer national parks with hiking paths and other scenic features such as wildflowers and birds. Turn your cross-country vacation into a day drive to a less-populated region if you enjoy road excursions. You’ll most likely carry resources for yourself, such as food, drink, sunscreen, shade, and perhaps a first aid kit, for these eventualities. Your dog will also require some necessary items for lengthier journeys than your normal errands around town.
Curious Dogs May Get Into A Lot Of Trouble
You’ve seen what your dog discovers in your own backyard, so don’t expect him to be any less interested once you’ve left the home. The strange scents, sounds, and sights are bound to spark his interest, which means he could come upon an unpleasant surprise or two – or perhaps receive a scratch or scrape. Keep a pet first aid kit in your car for emergencies to avoid being caught off guard. The last thing you want to do is be away from home with an injured dog and no means to care for him.
The Distinction Between Human and Canine First Aid
Pet first aid is comparable to human first aid for small wounds, scrapes, and bumps. Do what you would do for yourself. Rinse and pat dry the wound gently. After that, apply an antibiotic ointment, a gauze pad, and a self-adhesive bandage (which is more comfortable for pets because it does not attach to fur). For more serious injuries or illnesses, please check your veterinarian before giving your dog any non-dog-specific oral medicine. Over-the-counter products, which you may have on hand, can be dangerous to dogs, so always use caution.
What to Put in a Pet First Aid Kit
Carry bandages, blunt scissors, gauze pads, and ointment at the very least. Even better, keep a dog-specific first-aid kit in your vehicle. These kits frequently contain a list of dangerous foods as well as an instruction pamphlet to help you until you can get to the vet’s office. In addition to the injury, your dog may become anxious or rowdy, which is stressful for you. Maintain your composure and clarity of mind, knowing that you have the necessary knowledge in your kit to keep your pet safe.
Make Provisions for Seasonal Weather
You may need to arrange for adverse weather depending on your activities. If your dog has a short coat or a low body fat percentage, he may require assistance with temperature management. Whereas other dogs may be able to enjoy the snow without feeling shivers, he will most likely require a coat or sweater to have fun outside in the winter. In warmer temperatures, heavy-coated puppies are prone to overheating. For further refreshment, give them a cooling scarf and keep a quick ice pack in your kit.
Don’t Forget the Fundamentals
You like Rover, but you don’t want his drool on your coffee cup when he’s thirsty! A foldable silicone bowl that can be used for water on the road is a terrific alternative. A water bottle with an attached dog bowl is another useful item. This is a simple technique to ensure you and your dog are constantly prepared to hydrate. Choose a portable food dish with a top closing and pre-fill it for mealtimes. Keep it in your car and you’ll be ready to go on an impromptu day trip with your pet whenever the mood strikes.
Make Time for Relaxation
Some dogs might become easily overstimulated on trips, so arrange some rest for you and your pooch. This is especially critical if you’re trying to care for an overburdened or wounded dog before getting him to the veterinarian. Use a relaxing balm to assist an upset dog relax. This is a portable twist tube containing calming substances such as chamomile or lavender that you may apply on your dog’s paws or neck. It’s another another item that will simply fit into your pet’s first-aid kit.
Keep An Eye Out For Insects
Dogs, like people, can receive bug bites when romping about outside. If you’re going on a nature walk, especially in the summer, bring an anti-itch spray with you to apply on any itchy patches your dog may develop. If your dog is scratching excessively, especially in one location, apply the spray to calm the area until you can examine and cure the cause.
Now that you’ve packed your first-aid kit, go outside and play with your dog. You’ll have a worry-free excursion knowing you’re prepared to care for Rover with goods designed specifically for him.