Why Does My Dog Throw Up White Foam? 13 Reasons Explained by Vets

Concerning is the sight of a dog vomiting white froth. However, it is crucial to take a big breath before becoming very anxious, as panicking rarely helps.
Although it is feasible to list various typical reasons of a dog vomiting white foam, your best choice is to consult a veterinarian for a correct diagnosis and treatment, especially if the vomiting persists and does not stop.
Help, My Dog Is Emitting Foam!
The sight of a dog vomiting white foam is disturbing for all dog owners. If the vomit consists of froth or bubbling saliva, the discomfort is intensified.
In such a situation, the concerned owner wonders if this is normal and what may be causing it. Then, why do dogs vomit white foam?
In general, a dog can vomit white foam for a variety of causes, ranging from simple gastrointestinal disturbances and acid reflux to serious respiratory infections and renal difficulties.
What Does It Imply?
The first thing that springs to mind when someone mentions dog vomit is chunky vomit with undigested dog food. However, vomit can occasionally be frothy and bubbly.
Specifically, dogs vomit white foam when they have extra gas in their stomachs or when nothing is left except air and some fluids.
In such instances, the vomit is a combination of saliva, air bubbles, and agitated gastrointestinal secretions.
13 Causes of White Foam Vomiting in Dogs
When a dog vomits white foam, there are a number of possible causes. To facilitate comprehension, we shall examine the most prevalent reasons.
1. Ate Grass
Grass consumption is common in dogs, especially when they have a stomachache. In reality, the grass-eating activity is an attempt to alleviate pain, and many dogs munch grass frantically.
This is because grass physically and chemically irritates the stomach lining and promotes vomiting.
A dog who eats grass may have an issue with its gastrointestinal tract and may require water, a bland diet, probiotics, or even antibiotics, depending on the underlying cause of the upset.
However, identifying the true perpetrator is of the utmost significance.
2. Unhealthy Dietary Decisions
Canine dietary infractions are extremely prevalent. This fancy word denotes when a dog consumes an inedible substance such as sand, leaves, or dirt.
Dietary transgressions result in gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, changes in appetite, and stomach discomfort.
A dog with gastrointestinal distress requires symptomatic treatment and correct training to prevent repeat occurrences. Here are 15 indicators that your dog has an upset stomach.
3. Consumed a Toxin
Numerous home goods and chemicals are harmful to dogs. These poisons may be found in the kitchen (chocolate, dough, grapes), bathroom (bleach, toilet water, cleaning products), garage (antifreeze, paints, varnish), and garden (antifreeze, paints, varnish) (plants, insecticides, fertilizers).
Ingestion of these poisons results in vomiting and a variety of signs and symptoms unique to the toxin.
Antidotes, intravenous fluids, and supportive care must be administered immediately to an inebriated dog by a veterinarian.
4. Consumed Human Food
While chocolate, xylitol-containing meals, and grapes are directly poisonous to dogs, there are a number of human foods that are not. They can, however, be problematic if ingested in bigger quantities or more frequently.
These human meals are excessively salty, sweet, fatty, and spicy.
Consuming these meals results in digestive distress, including vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Supportive treatment and a bland diet are essential for a speedy and complete recovery in cases of upset stomach in dogs.
5. Dilation and Volvulus of the Stomach
Gastric dilatation and volvulus is a disorder in which the stomach rotates about its axis and begins to enlarge, putting pressure on the organs around.
It is particularly prevalent in massive and enormous canines with deep chests.
A dog with bloat is in imminent risk of death and requires urgent veterinarian care. The veterinarian must decompress the stomach and then reposition it surgically.
Using a specialized surgical procedure, the problem can be averted in high-risk dog breeds.
6. Syndrome of Vomiting Bile
The bilious vomiting condition is comparable to acid reflux in humans. It is uncertain why bile flows backward inside the digestive tract, however this condition is more frequent in dogs with Giardiasis and inflammatory bowel illness.
Dogs with this biliary vomiting condition vomit bile or white foam after fasting for a few of hours, often in the morning before to their first meal.
The therapy involves the daily use of antacids and particular diets.
7. Mycotic Infections
Dogs enjoy eating the droppings of other animals. Some forms of feces are safe, while others contain hidden dangers.
For instance, bird and bat droppings frequently contain fungal pathogens that, when swallowed, can result in fungal diseases.
The clinical presentation of a fungal infection is comparable to that of any other gastrointestinal disorder. Similarly, these conditions are treated with an abundance of intravenous fluids, a bland diet, supportive care, and a combination of antibiotics and antifungals.
8. Pancreatic Inflammation
Pancreatitis is an excruciating and life-threatening infection of the pancreas. It is commonly connected with high-fat foods and can manifest in both acute and chronic forms. Pancreatitis is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, and refusal to eat.
Chronic pancreatitis need lifelong maintenance and a diet low in fats and oils.
Acute pancreatitis is more difficult to treat and is regarded as an emergency. If left untreated, acute pancreatic inflammation can be lethal.
9. Canine Croup
Canine cough (canine infectious tracheobronchitis) is a respiratory ailment that is communicable. Infection-causing microorganisms are found in densely populated areas like as kennels, boarding facilities, animal shelters, and doggie daycares.
A dog with kennel cough will have difficulty breathing, make strange noises, cough up white foam, and have nasal discharge.
There is no specific therapy, only supportive care. Vaccination on a regular basis helps prevent the illness.
10. Tracheal Implosion
Tracheal collapse is a condition characterized by the collapse and flattening of the tracheal rings, which give the windpipe its circular form. The illness can affect any dog, although toy dog breeds are the most susceptible.
In addition to blocking the airway and affecting breathing, tracheal collapse can cause dogs to cough up white foam and spit it out. The problem is progressive and deadly if left untreated. There are surgical corrective methods available, however the majority of canines require lifelong medication.
11. Heatstroke
When dogs are subjected to extremely high temperatures for a little period of time or moderately high temperatures for an extended period of time, they get heatstroke. Every dog is susceptible to heat stroke, but dogs with thick coats and small snouts are at greater danger.
A dog suffering from heat stroke is prone to vomit white foam, develop diarrhea, excessive drooling, and red gums.
As the illness worsens, the individual will lose coordination and may collapse. Important as it is to cool down the dog, it should not be done abruptly, as this might cause shock.
12. Kidney Problems
There are two types of kidney issues in dogs: acute and chronic. Multiple underlying reasons, including infections, toxins, and acute dehydration, can cause both types. Kidney issues are progressive and might result in irreversible damage or failure.
A dog with renal disease will consume large amounts of water and either pee frequently or not at all. In all cases, it is possible to vomit white foam. The precise therapy will be determined on the underlying cause.
13. Rabies
Rabies is the least likely culprit, but it should be mentioned and reviewed anyway. During the advanced phases of the virus, a rabid dog would vomit white foam. In fact, the traditional representation of rabies illustrates this precise scenario.
Despite the fact that there is no treatment for rabies, it should be highlighted that the disease is completely avoidable with immunization. Vaccination is another reason why rabies has been eradicated in the majority of nations.