How Can I Stop My Dog Urinating Around New People?

You may have noticed a small puddle on the floor (or perhaps on you) when you were about to adopt your new dog or puppy. Or nerves?
Their lovely demeanor made you disregard the baptism and adopt the tiny piddle dog. Your new dog appears to do this to everyone, including other pets. You rush for the paper towels, humiliated, and worry if you’re doing enough housetraining. Will you ever feel safe taking your new puppy out?
Canines communicate through urinating
Since dogs cannot speak, they utilize body language and smell language. “I’m not a danger,” dogs urinate submissively in front of new pets and people.
“This is my domain,” dogs that methodically start peeing on visitors remark. It’s critical to understand pee language.
Many dogs, especially pups and timid dogs, urinate while meeting strangers, human or canine. It’s a sign of excitement for pups, and it’s worsened by their lack of bladder control until about 12 weeks.
It’s generally accompanied by submissive movements such tucking the tail, stooping, flattening the ears, etc. It may lick its lips, yawn, and avoid eye contact. Some dogs may even turn over and urinate on themselves to demonstrate their respect.
Some canines pee in dribbles while others produce enormous pools. How you respond to these incidents will determine how soon your dog learns to quit acting out.
Be sure there aren’t
If your dog is urinating improperly on a frequent basis, consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical concerns. For example, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause excessive urination.
It might be that your dog is not fully house-trained or that they are identifying their area as their own, which is another form of communication for dogs.
Submissive urination is not a crime
It’s crucial not to reprimand a dog that voids out of submission, anxiousness, or enthusiasm. This will just compound the condition, so proceed with caution.
There are numerous ways to assist your dog overcome this habit, but most puppies will naturally outgrow it by the age of a year.
My dog is peeing submissively
1. Ignore urination
The greatest way to reduce submissive urination in dogs is to ignore it. Know that dogs are incredibly perceptive to your body cues.
Examine your reaction to the clutter to ensure you aren’t expressing discontent through facial expressions or body language. However, do not coddle your dog or try to comfort them due to their seeming lack of confidence.
Ignoring the action is itself a communication. Remember, submissive urination shows they respect you and aren’t a danger. Ignoring the message demonstrates you don’t need their urinal homage.
2. Maintain frequent house-training activities
If your dog is young, encourage bladder control by allowing frequent bladder emptying. Excitement or anxiousness causes bladder leakage.
3. Clean up while they’re not looking
If your puppy or dog urinates or leaks when going outdoors, simply put them outside and clean up the mess afterwards. Don’t let them guess your feelings about the situation.
4. Remain cool and talk quietly
For nervous or eager-to-please dogs, communicate a calm, accepting demeanor. Keep your tone light and joyful. Don’t look them in the eye. You project a pleasant leadership style without dominating. So they won’t feel obligated to give you a golden stream offering.
5. Touch your pet gently
If you don’t want to pet the head or ears, try rubbing beneath the chin. Avoid eye contact and maybe ignore your eager or nervous dog at first.
6. Encourage others to welcome your pet calmly
Encourage your dog’s desired actions around strangers, since strangers may be more likely than you to provoke submission urination.
Explain to your guests that your dog is acquiring confidence and that they may help teach them. Ask your guest to avoid eye contact and use mild tones at first. It’s ideal to perform introductions outside where mistakes are less likely.
Or, while sitting, have your friend stretch a hand for a sniff from below or to the side of your dog. Above-hands might be daunting. Avoid eye contact until they’ve passed the no-pee test.
7. Offer additional ways to greet visitors
Teach your dog to sit. If your dog knows how to sit and remain, they will be too occupied obeying that order to bother about urinating.
8. No punishment for anxious urination
Remember that any punishment for submitting urinating, verbal or otherwise, will likely make the issue worse. Scolding, foul stares, or other punishments will make the dog try even harder to please the person.
9. Experiment with new things with your dog
You may be embarrassed by your dog’s submissive urination and want to keep them at home. In fact, you and your dog should reverse. Otherwise, your dog will sense your embarrassment.
Expose your pet to as many different settings and experiences as possible. With practice, your dog will get desensitized to new people, pets, and events, and less likely to urinate on them.
10. Set the mood
While you’re out meeting the world, make sure you’re comfortable and confident in your dog’s manners. You can gradually assist your dog gain confidence and learn to accept new people and pets without fear.
Remember, respectful urination. If a dog does this to you, be flattered but not show it. As man’s closest friend, teach dogs that admiration isn’t required.